
I started one of my longtime craft projects yesterday.  The brooch bouquet is something I have been collecting and preparing for about 2 and a half years.  It came about as a family heirloom idea I decided to make with Maria’s brooches that were passed on to Saige.  I figured it could be used in her wedding one day and then passed on throughout generations to come.  I have been collecting brooches around the world ever since and still going.  However I know the project is going to be lengthy and is a delicate one so I want to take  my time and do it right.  I started with wiring each individual brooch and got three done (insert finger pain and needle nose pliers). One brooch at a time…I can’t wait to share the blog post when it’s completed.

83. Piles of Pins


Winning….I mean Pinning!!

Xoxo, Di

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